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Regular Monthly Meeting
Newtown Board of Fire Commissioners
February 28, 2011
Botsford Fire and Rescue
Called to Order at 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present:  Burton, Cragin, Dugan, Goosman, Jossick, McCulloch and Wlasuk.

Marshal’s Present:  Halstead, Frampton, Ober and Zilinek


        MOTION: Goosman made a motion to approve the minutes of January 24th as presented.
        SECONDED:  Wlasuk

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         
2/25/11         Cragin/Halstead                 Vacation Coverage March 2nd until March 10th

Public Participation – None

Fire Marshals Report:

Halstead reported:
  • For the month of January there were 101 calls, 467 incidents and 406 hours worked.   $60 in permits collected.
  • Total damage was $4,061,000 for the month.  Taunton Lane alone had a $4M loss.  
  • Issues with parking at NHS.
  • Smoke test at NHS.
  • Snow load issue at NHS.
  • Communications with NHS staff has improved.
  • Fire Drill Adventure Center – Frampton
  • Annual Report for the Year – Attached
  • Narrow Banding Update – channel two is narrowband which requires no reprogramming if this is the only channel used.  There is time to consider decisions on frequencies.  How many portables and mobiles does each department have?  Please advise Halstead.
  • Regional Dispatch – Newtown, Bethel and Brookfield – estimate that Newtown could save $600K+ a year by going to a regional dispatch; or signing on with Northwest – this may be a better avenue for us as they are only doing 8 towns at the moment.  This information is very preliminary.   Trumbull, Monroe and Easton are looking at a regional dispatch.    A year and a half away before a decision will be made.
  • The BOFC did not receive any correspondence from the Emergency Communications Director, Maureen Will, regarding the Dispatch Center.

Standing Committees:

Budget –  Burton reported that the current proposed budget is at the Board of Finance level.  No request for cuts as of yet.  On the CIP program – the borough zoning denied NH&L zoning for the new firehouse.  Board of Finance deferred first $500K until year three in the plan.
Botsford turnout gear – the chiefs decided on the specs for the gear several years ago and should remain.
FRIP – would like to reimburse on a month-to-month basis, and reassess how we move forward with funding when necessary.
Dugan reported that Botsford would like to purchase their specific gear as they can purchase two sets of gear and receive two sets free.  This gear was approved in the budget.  

        MOTION:  Dugan would like to make a motion that the BOFC purchase the Morning Pride fire gear that      was approved and requested through their budget.
        SECONDED:  Jossick
        Yays:  Jossick, McCulloch, Dugan
        Nays:  Cragin, Burton, Wlasuk and Goosman
Burton stated the Budget Committee did not approve the Morning Pride gear, but approved the gear that was put out to bid by the town.  

Truck – McCulloch reported:
  • #114 received new tires.
  • #221 pump issue fixed.
  • #551, #1 and #29 minor issues fixed.
  • Gowans and Knight stated that parts are in for truck repairs.
  • Purchased extrication equipment for #221 from the funds received from Arkansas sale of the truck.
  • #551 repaired last month, but not by the vendor that was recommended by the truck committee.  See attached report.  Dugan did not inform Rob that the truck was out of service on the 14th.
  • Burton stated that there was a lot of deception by the Chief of Botsford and Dugan, as the Commissioner for the department.  The town’s purchasing policy was violated by Botsford Fire and Rescue.  Another violation was that the Chairman of the Truck Committee was not contacted by the Commissioner of Botsford (Dugan) when the truck was sent for repair.  Bob Tait also stated that he feels this was handled inappropriately.
  • Dugan stated he did not deceive or “sandbag” anyone.  
  • Cragin stated he believes that it was handled inappropriately by Chief Wayne Ciaccia; thus affecting Wayne’s trustworthiness with the Commission.  The consequences of this incident resulted in the elimination of an “open door policy” with the finance department.  The finance department will no longer allow anyone from the fire departments to contact them.
  • Goosman stated that she is horribly disappointed with this situation.
Radio – no report

Policy and Procedures – no report

Hydrant – no report

Purchasing Agent – Burton wanted to clarify that Dodgingtown can use the money to purchase a Hurst Tool equipment from the sale of truck #221.  Wlasuk and Burton will work together to purchase the equipment.

How will the bill from Twin Lights be paid?  The shortage of $1K will be paid by the town of Newtown.

Rob Manna reported that NH&L is appealing the Borough’s zoning decision regarding the new firehouse.

NUSAR – completed ice diver certifications.

Old Business:    None

New Business:

MOTION:  McCulloch made a motion to approve $865.00 for Sandy Hook training request for1 FF to Flashover Survival; 1 FF to Interview Techniques and 1 FF to Brookfield FF1 class.  
SECONDED:  Goosman

MOTION:  Wlasuk made a motion to approve Dodgingtown’s training request in the amount of $1,750 for 1 FF EMT Course-Newtown Ambulance; 1 FF /MRT recertification class; 1 FF EMT program; and 1 FF FF1 Course.  

MOTION: McCulloch made a motion to approve NH&L training request in the amount of $2100.00 for FF 1 and 2 with Hazmat Operations Training (2 students).
SECONDED:  Jossick

MOTION: Dugan made a motion to approve Botsford Fire and Rescue training requests in the amount of $1,650 for Rental fee for Danbury burn building 2/6/11; CPR Recertification; 2 members for EMT recertification; and 1 FF1 training.  
SECONDED:  Goosman

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey
Secretary BOFC